
Taiwan Today

Taiwan Review

President Chiang Kai-Shek's New Year Message

March 01, 1952
Fellow Countrymen:

Today is the 41st New Year's Day of the Republic of China. As a result of the aggression of international Communism, the China mainland has become a satellite of the Soviet imperialists and the people have become the slaves of the Communists. Remembering the difficulties which Dr. Sun Yat-sen encountered in establishing the Republic of China, we regret that we have not been able to put into early practice his teachings on national reconstruction.

During the last year, the Chinese Communists carried out six big movements on the mainland. Under the "Resist America and Aid Korea" movement they have compelled more than 3,000,000 of our compatriots to go to war in Korea. Of these almost 1,500,000 have become casualties. Under the "Land Reform" movement, 230,000,000 peaceful compatriots of ours have been compelled to participate in what the Communists called "struggle," which means antagonizing and killing one another and letting all harvested crops fall into the hands of the Communists. In the "Suppression of Anti-revolution" movement, 15,000,000 innocent people have been massacred by the Communists. In the "Contribution of Airplane and Artillery" movement, they have levied on the people 4,590,000,000,000 jenminpiao, in addition to their onerous summer and autumn levies. Then, through the "Cultural Purge" movement, they have attempted to extinguish national consciousness and democratic ideas among the intellectuals. By the "New Marriage Law," thousands of families have been dissolved, resulting in an immoral and bestial society.

These six movements all aim at massacre. They may be called six massacre movements. They constitute an unprecedented catastrophe brought upon the Chinese by the running dogs of Soviet imperialism, Mao Tze-tung and Chu Teh, in carrying out the premeditated policy of Soviet Russia. Their objective, under the direction of Soviet Russia, is to use China and the Chinese people as sacrifices for their world revolution and to make the Chinese nation irredeemably lost to the world. At this juncture, our armed forces and people should, under the leadership of the National Government, unite themselves and rise up to rescue our compatriots on the mainland. There is no time for fear and hesitation.

Marked improvements have been shown during the past year in Taiwan in the fields of political democratization and economic reconstruction. Such improvements are in striking contrast to the reign of terror, massacre, oppression, serfdom and exploitation on the mainland under the reds. In the political field, Taiwan has witnessed the completion of election of municipal and hsien councilors and city mayors and hsien magistrates. A provisional council was also inaugurated at the end of the year. In the economic field, aside from the enforcement of the land rent reduction program, public land is being sold to the farmers while a policy of limiting the land holdings is being considered by the Government. We have also seen achievements in improving the living conditions of the fishermen and workers in the salt industry and in the enforcement of the labor insurance program.

In the military field, the increasing combat effectiveness, the heightening morale and the strict discipline of the armed forces, coupled with the brilliant records of army labor construction projects and the overcome-difficulty movement, are all epitomes of the irresistible growth of a new national revolutionary spirit of the Chinese Republic. Nevertheless, our progress still falls short of our expectations, and we can never be self-complacent.

In the coming year, we must carry out with utmost efforts a general mobilization against Communism. We must make Taiwan a model of political administration in accordance with the Three People's Principles and a bastion for the rejuvenation of our country. With anti-Communism as the central theme, we shall in the coming year lay special emphasis on an economic reconstruction program and in a social, cultural and political reform movement, for our aim is to mobilize all our economic, social, cultural and political resources as well as to carry out reforms in these fields.

For economic reconstruction, our slogan is "Cooperation through mutual assistance; Competition for higher production." We have to carry on a long war with limited resources. Therefore, we have to increase production and at the same time adopt strictly a wartime program of austerity and unremitting industry.

For social reform, our slogan is "Promote cordial relationship among our brethren and relatives and diligent service." The anti-Communist war is a national war. Brotherly love, firm sense of duty and service to the country and the public are the sources of power to win victory and conquer the enemy.

For cultural reform, our slogan is "Know propriety and righteousness; Wipe clean the stigma of shame; Recover our lost territory." We must develop our revolutionary spirit and improve scientific technology so as to muster the support of the entire people and to nurture the new vitality of the youth for the winning of the anti-aggression war.

For political reform, our slogan is "Overcome difficulties and be practical; Rely on ourselves for survival." Every difficulty must be overcome by ourselves. Everything must be done practically.

To sum up, the four reforms listed above represent the anti-Communist anti-Russian General Mobilization Movement. We must put them into practice one by one. Meanwhile, the power of social control and mutual assistance should be employed to convert even the lazy to be diligent and the weak to be strong, thus strengthening general mobilization.

In reconstructing Taiwan, we must build it up as a base for counter-offensive for the recovery of our lost territory, and as an anti-Communist fortress in the Far East. In other words, the reconstruction of Taiwan is for the nation, for Asia and for the entire world. In space such reconstruction is not limited to this island alone. In time, it is not limited to the present moment. All of us must realize its great objectives and far-reaching significance. Only then may we be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.

This is the determination of our people and armed forces who will strive with all their efforts towards that direction. No matter what the strategies of our allies and enemies may be and no matter how the world looks upon and expects from us, our determination and efforts will be linked with the entire anti-Communist front. This basic policy will be carried through and cannot be changed. We are all aware that justice is contrary to brute force, and they cannot exist side by side. As we stand on the side of justice, it is our conviction that those who remain hesitating between justice and brute force, adopting a compromising and wait-and-see attitude, will find that temporary peace will not pay and that it is but an illusion. An enemy is after all an enemy. All the freedom-loving democratic nations will eventually be compelled to abandon any attempt to seek temporary peace and will take a common anti-totalitarian and anti-aggression stand. Today we must be farsighted, grasp the situation, consolidate our own position, endure all difficulties, and assume the responsibility as vanguards of the anti-Communist force in the Far East. The significance of our efforts in building up Taiwan as a base for future counter-offensive and as a fortress in the world-wide anti-Communist struggle will be recognized by our friends both at home and abroad. No force can shatter our determination and no enemy can defeat us if we strive hard and struggle to the last.

The brute force of international Communism, as directed by the Russian imperialists, is driving into the democratic countries under a well-planned program and with brand new methods. Its purpose is to destroy the free and independent democratic system, and its aggression knows no bound and is uncompromising. International Communism never keeps any promise, and never observes any moral or treaty obligations. Facing such a dreadful enemy, the democracies have no other choice but uniting themselves to resist and destroy it. Therefore, it is our policy to cooperate with any nation whose basic stand is anti-Communist. All anti-Communist organizations as well as individuals in China must forget their past grievances and clarify all misunderstandings and fight together under the leadership of the National Government for national salvation and deliverance of the people from Communist tyranny.

Finally, I wish to point out emphatically that from this day on, our people and armed forces must exert their utmost efforts to enforce all programs for general mobilization with the sole purpose of building up Taiwan as a model province and as a strong anti-Communist base. It is our firm belief that the aggressive policy of Russian imperialists will eventually fail, the threat of Communism towards world security and peace will be removed, the puppet Mao Tze-tung regime will meet its doom, and the Chinese mainland will be recovered. There is no doubt but that final victory will belong to us who fight on the side of righteousness. On this New Year's Day, let us shout:
Long live the Republic of China!
Long live the Three People's Principles!
Long live victory over Communism!
Long live the National Revolution!

